Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Syleena and Kiwane-Grammy-Nominated R&B artist

I received a call from Kiwane the other day and went back to look at these maternity shots.  They were taken a while back but I had to share them now.  I forgot how great these turned out!  I love the results of the material in front of her, what an amazing painterly look that you just cant get with digital enhancement.  The women is Syleena Johnson, CEO and R&B artist of Aneelys Records.  This grammy-nominated artist just released a her new album  in South Africa!  Check her out!


Jenne said...

These pics are absolutely beautiful. I have Chapter 4: Labor Pains and I love it. Can't stop listening to it.

Her album's coming out in South Africa?

Audrey kelleR phoTography said...

Yes! Syleena's new album, "Chapter 4: Labor Pains", hit stores this April in the Republic of South Africa, Swaziland, Botswana, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Mozambique & Namibia.
