Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Paula's Promotional Fitness Portraits

As the owner of Energy Fitness Active Arts Center, Paula Lazarz came to Audrey kelleR phoTography for photos for her website and promotional brochures. Audrey and Sifu Paula used to train together in Kung-fu years ago so Audrey was excited to see Paula's success in the martial arts world. Paula was also able to see Audrey hard at work with her own company so the experience was inspiring for both of them.

Paula's studio offers martial arts, yoga, fitness and personal training so we wanted to get a variety of poses, locations and apparel choices in order to illustrate the breadth of her range of services. The traditional Kung-fu stances in the Shaolin uniform were taken on location in a local park. Shaolin monks are always photographed outside, although Sifu Paula is not a monk, she is in a traditional uniform, so we wanted to honor the tradition. The casual professional health and fitness poses were taken in various locations in the studio.

You'll see these images up on her website soon, but meanwhile, if you have any interest in yoga, martial arts or fitness, please contact Sifu Paula or visit her website.

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